sweet news art artists sites info events collections 7artworks diffusion links URLcollection etc
video december 2012
Articulating Function / Hugo Paquete / 2008 / Interactive sound and light installation
from Hugo Paquete
12 videos YouTube playlist by osvaldo cibils, 2 march 2012
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-3Vd-MJm1U&list=PL6A1CBAF6C9EE83A0&index=1&feature=plpp_video |
R links R
Music is the time of numbers
Barcelona So Límit - Zèppelin Expandit 2012
Bongiani Ophen Art Museum
Institut für Alles Mögliche
Radius |
arte correo mail art osvaldo cibils "E" - Ambassadeur d'Utopia |
7soundart Free Music Archive playlist osvaldo cibils 2 march 2012
8 Arthub video playlist osvaldo cibils 2 march 2012
link artists
link sites
link sites
7 BILLIONTH PERSON PROJECT - http://www.7billionthpersonproject.org/ 17 SONS RECORDS - http://www.17sons.com =|= Electronic musics and sound projects based on predetermined arrangements involving man / machine / software interactions. =|= 365 DAYS OF PRINT - http://www.365daysofprint.com/ AA-VV - http://aa-vv.org/ ADAPTIVE ACTIONS - http://www.adaptiveactions.net/ AMP STUDIO - http://www.ampstudiosite.com/ ANARTJOURNAL - http://sites.google.com/site/anartjournal ANIMALARIO TV - http://www.animalario.tv/ ARCHIVE.ORG - http://www.archive.org/details/Sloppy_Seconds ART REVIEW - http://www.artreview.com/ ARTE SONORO - http://www.artesonoro.org/ ART WALL MAGAZINE - http://artwallmagazine.ning.com/ BIENAL SIART - http://www.bienal-siart.com/ BISBALD - http://www.bisbald.org/ BLANK MEDIA COLLECTIVE - http://www.blankmediacollective.org/about BROOKLYN ART PROJECT - http://www.brooklynartproject.com/ CENTRAL STATION - http://www.thisiscentralstation.com/ CHAMELEON LECTRA - http://www.chameleonlectra.co.uk/Consemble-A.html CIRCULO BELLAS ARTES - http://www.circulobellasartes.com/cba.net/ CIRRUS - http://oncenowexhibition.com CODEBREAKER - http://www.it-all.com/ DA DIRECT ACTION - http://da2011.i-a-m.tk/ da2011 has been a tiny 2 day festival consisting of an evening of solo presentations and a screening night. this year especially performances on/for/at video. DANSENS DAGE - http://dansensdage.dk/ DARIN KLEIN AND FRIENDS - http://www.darinkleinandfriends.blogspot.com/ DELICIOUS - http://delicious.com/TAGallery/sound DIGITAL ARTI - http://www.digitalarti.com/ DODODADA - http://dododada.ning.com/ DRIFT STATION - http://www.jeffreythompson.org/DriftStation E_FAGIA - http://www.e-fagia.org/ e-fagia is a Toronto-based organization of artists and writers created to produce and disseminate electronic art projects with emphasis on contemporary Canadian and Latin American artists. ELECTRO MUSIC - http://electro-music.com/ ELEKTRONENTOTO - http://www.elektronentoto.mobi/ ELMUR.NET - http://www.elmur.net/ elmur.net is a visual dialogue to inspire us to build up a better world. Be part of it! FATICART - http://www.faticart.org/ #FFFFFF SPACE - http://ffffffspace.net/ FILE - http://www.file.org.br/ FILMER LA MUSIQUE - http://www.filmerlamusique.com/ FONLAD - http://www.fonlad.net/ FONLAD The Online Digital Arts Festival. Since 2005, were organized various exhibition activities with the aim to disseminate and reflect on new forms of contemporary digital art. FREE SOUND - http://www.freesound.org/ FRONTERA INCIERTA - http://fronteraincierta.blogspot.com/ FURTHERFIELD - http://www.furtherfield.org/ FURTHERNOISE.ORG - http://www.furthernoise.org/ HARSMEDIA - http://harsmedia.com/ HESA INPRINT - http://www.hesainprint.com/ HEXADIC 6x6 MEDIA ARTS EVENTS - http://hexadic.blogspot.com/ IN-SONORA - http://in-sonora.com/ IN-SONORA es una asociación cultural creada para apoyar y dar visibilidad a propuestas artísticas experimentales relacionadas con la interactividad y/o lo sonoro, desde un punto de vista amplio. JAAMMJ - http://www.jaammj.com/ JAMENDO - http://www.jamendo.com/en/ KANTIERE MISTO - http://kantieremisto.blogspot.it/ L'associazione culturale Kantiere Misto si propone di essere un punto di riferimento all'interno del circuito creativo della Sinistra Piave attraverso l'organizzazione di una serie di eventi a sfondo culturale e la costituzione di una rete capillare che possa includere al suo interno una vasta gamma di forme espressive. KONTAKT - http://www.kontakt-collection.net/ LA BOCA DEL LOBO - http://www.labocadellobo.com/ LAST CALL - http://lastcall-susanalf.blogspot.com/ LE PERCE-OREILLES - http://www.perceoreilles.net/ LIFE IN 100 WORDS - http://lifein100wordsorless.wordpress.com/ LINEA D'ARTE - http://www.lineadarte-officinacreativa.org/ LOW LIVES - http://www.lowlives.net/ MADLAB - http://madlab.org.uk/ MEDIA ART PLATFORM - http://www.mediaartplatform.org/ MODISTI - http://modisti.com/12/ Modisti is an interactive virtual environment for new music. MOVING FRAMES - http://www.movingframes.gr/ MURMERINGS - http://www.murmerings.com/radio.html NEW MEDIA ART PROJECT NETWORK - http://www.nmartproject.net/ NICTOGLOBE - http://www.nictoglobe.com/new/2007/center.html NO COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL - http://itsonlymailartnocommercial.blogspot.com/ O GATO DE ODETE - http://ogatodaodete.blogspot.com/ ONE HOUR PHOTO PROJECT - http://www.onehourphotoproject.com/ OPSOUND - http://www.opsound.org/ Opsound is a gift economy in action, an experiment in applying the model of free software to music. Musicians and sound artists are invited to add their work to the Opsound pool using a copyleft license developed by Creative Commons. Listeners are invited to download, share, remix, and reimagine. OWNING ONLINE ART - http://www.ooart.ch/publikation PAPERGIRL GLASGOW - http://papergirlglasgow.tumblr.com/ PH4RE - http://ph4re.net/ PLASTICA ARGENTINA - http://plastica-argentina.com.ar/ PIKSEL - http://www.piksel.no/ QUERY - http://www.query-online.net/ RADIUS - http://theradius.tumblr.com/ Radius is an experimental radio broadcast platform based in Chicago, IL, USA. RHIZOME - http://rhizome.org/ SANCTIONED ARRAY - http://www.sanctionedarray.specifyothers.com/ SIMULTAN - http://www.simultan.org/ SOUNDCLOUD - http://soundcloud.com/ THE 22 MAGAZINE - http://www.the22magazine.com/ScrollBowlV.html THE END OF SOMETHING - http://theendofsomething.wordpress.com/sound-of-ebb/ TIME IS LOVE SHOW - http://timeisloveshow.blogspot.com/ UAVM - http://www.uavm.net/ The Unknown Artist Virtual Museum is against the mainstream of galleries, the power of curators and commissioners that impose to the public and the market its hone tastes. USVTV - http://www.usvtv.net/ VAGUE TERRAIN - http://vagueterrain.net/ Vague Terrain is a web based digital arts publication that showcases the creative practice of a variety of artists, musicians and scholars. VIDEOBRASIL - http://www2.sescsp.org.br/sesc/videobrasil/site/home/home.asp VIDEO MEDEJA - http://videomedeja.org/ VIDEO MINUTO - http://www.videominuto.it/ VIRION - http://virion2010.com.au/ virion is a biennial art exhibition, and online archive of digital creative practice, that is shown via a global network of public screens. VISUAL ART - http://visualartdada.blogspot.com/ VISITORS STUDIO - http://www.visitorsstudio.org/ WDYDWYD? - http://wdydwyd.ning.com/ WOOLOO.ORG - http://www.wooloo.org/ Call & Collaborate, Show Your Art Worldwide, Participate in Open Calls, Promote & Share. |
Blog List
Thank you to all participants! - ------------------------------ Dear Artists, thank you very much for making this wonderful exhibition possible.12 years ago
Darin Klein & Friends at Printed Matter's LA Art Book Fair 2017 - Bullhorn Press, Darin Klein & Friends, and Printed Matter present: Box of Books, Vol. X The final iteration of this 10-year annual project features 20 on...7 years ago
2024: Rassegna fotografica Mail Art Esserci Senza Esserci 2024 (XVII edizione) #01 - MAIL ART HAPPENING eSSeRCi SeNZa eSSeRCi 2024 (XVII edizione) A cura di _guroga & Enzo Correnti Con la collaborazione di Collettivo DadaBoom e Collet...5 weeks ago
Haugesund International Relief Print Festival - Ajk Björn Piercc HIT Festival https://www.hitfestival.no/english5 years ago
ANDRÉ BARROSO, Curitiba - PR - Brasil - *ANDRÉ BARROSO* Fotografia a partir de pintura - 2012 Curitiba - PR Brasil12 years ago
ENZO CORRENTI - L'uoMo CaRTa iN ViaGGio aL WeSPaCe Mostra personale e la Performance "Il fiore non ha catene" di Enzo Correnti e Liliana Mastropaolo - ENZO CORRENTI - L'uoMo CaRTa iN ViaGGio aL WeSPaCe MOSTRA PERSONALE di Enzo Correnti 25/26/27 maggio 2018 Inaugurazione Venerdi 25 maggio 2018 ore 19:00 con...6 years ago
Blog Archive
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Movement Museum is virtual online formation of open setup; establish connection by sending us video of Your movement, in duration of 14 seconds maximum.
How to apply
1. record Your movement with camera, mobile phone... 2. upload it to any existing video or other servers 3. send us link or file
screenshot 20 december 2011
[triple link]
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Radius 08: Osvaldo Cibils
Nov. 26, 2011: 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.
WGXC: Hands-on Radio
90.7-FM and wgxc.org
Tune in to hear this show.
Sketchpad Series is a monthly program on WGXC 90.7-FM presented by the Chicago-based project, Radius. November 2011 features Osvaldo Cibils's h88h, and is followed by a playlist of works selected by the artists.
Monday, November 7, 2011
librito2. artist book and performance. librito2 and the hands of bboy hehehe. librito2. drawings on paper. 4 x 4 cms. 42 pages. osvaldo cibils 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
below 20 sound museum of silence
Silence can be defined as a soundscape with loudness below 20 dB. This project is an open archive which collect silence as soundscape / field recording below 20 dB. This is an attemp to create a sound museum of silence.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Chief Director: José Vieira
Production: WEB ART CENTER
Web Art Center – www.webartcenter.org
October 15 2011 – January 8 20112
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
28 October - 6 November 2011
Barichgasse 6/1
1030 Vienna
Opening: Friday 28th October 2011 - 19H00
Adamo Macri
Antti Savela
Eric Fong
Guy Wouete
Jennida Chase
Joas Nebe
Kika Nicolela
Kisito Assangni
Lane Last
Martin Dege
Neil Howe
Osvaldo Cibils
Pauline Horovitz
Rachel Maclean
Curated by Kisito Assangni
"Time is Love" is an international video art exhibition and a non-profit initiative. Time is Love annually presents work from international artists on the theme of love in hard times.
The project brings to the world a refreshing perspective on video art.
[triple link]
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
IX Salón de Arte Digital
Centro Cultural Vila Flor Vila Flor Culture Center
Guimarães - Portugal
15 Outubro October 2011
Por convite do Festival Line Up Action o Festival Fonlad apresentará 3 videos no Centro Cultural Vila Flor, em Guimarães, a 15 de Outubro 2011, integrado no Festival IMAN.
By invitation of Line Up Action Festival, on 15 October Fonlad Festival will present at Vila Flor Culture Center a special screening event:
Artistas Fonlad artists: Gruppo Sinestético (IT), Osvaldo Cibils (UR), Francesca Fini (IT)
Artistas Line Up Action artists: João Garcia Miguel (PT), Left Hand Rotation (ES)
Direcção Artística Chief Director: Alexandre A. R. Costa
Comissários Curators: António Azenha, José Vieira
Apoio Support: IC Zero, Line Up Action
Produção Prodution: IMAN FESTIVAL
Casa Bernardo Bernardo’s House
Caldas da Rainha - Portugal
15/16 Outubro October 2011
A convite do Museu Bernardo, o Festival Fonlad apresentará 9 video instalações no espaço da Casa Bernardo, nas Caldas da Rainha, a 15 de Outubro 2011. O evento prossegue a 16 Outubro com apresentações de UIU, Pedro Bernardo e outros convidados. O convite surge no contexto da realização do TAKE C, evento de promoção da video arte, que aquele museu promove todos os anos.
By invitation of the Bernardo’s Museum, on 15/16 October will take place at Bernardo’s House a special event: 9 video installations promoted by Fonlad Festival will be presented at TAKE C, a Video Art Show that take place every year at Bernardo’s House Museum, in Caldas da Rainha, Portugal.
Participantes participants:
15 Outubro October
Agricola de Cologne (Alemanha Germany), António Cabrita (Portugal), Corrine Bot (Holanda Netherlands), Dietmar Krumrey (EUA USA), Jacob Tonski (Turquia Turkey), Jan Hakon Erichsen (Noruega Norway), Margarida Paiva (Portugal), Mie Olise (Dinamarca Denmark), Surabhi Saraf (India).
16 October
Museu Bernardo UIU, Pedro Bernardo and More (Portugal)
Direcção Artística Chief Directors: Pedro Bernardo, José Vieira
Comissários convidados Invited curators: Enrico Tomaselli (Magmart), Timothy Laskaratos (Athens Festival)
Parceiros Partners: Videolab (Portugal), Conflito Estético (Portugal), Cologne OFF (Alemanha Germany), Oslo Screen (Noruega Norwey), Athens Video Art Festival (Grécia Greece), Magmart Video Under Vulcano (Itália Italy)
Apoio Support: IC Zero, Teatro dos Castelos, Esc. Prof. Montemor-o-Velho
Apoio Técnico às Instalações Technical Support and installations concept: Maria do Carmo, Sérgio Gomes
Agradecimentos Acknowledgments: Jorge Valente, Sotiris Iliadis
Produção Prodution: Museu Bernardo
project by Iryna Markova
The media does not matter. Ideas and concepts do. Explore your artistic freedom. Create a conceptual visual piece of art using just text editor tools. Submit it on-line for on- and off-line exhibition.
Monday, September 19, 2011
In this issue; Mariano Petit de Murat, Alejandra Vega, Tokio Maruyama (Japón), Víctor Martínez, Simón Barrios Bravo (Venezuela), Bru Jø (US), Pancho López, Leonardo González (Chile), Teresa Campe (España), Carlos Alvar, Pablo Casacuevas, El oso crítico and Ivan Holguín.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Mutant Beatniks
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
#342: 2011.09.11 - FRAMEWORK RADIO
phonography ::: field-recording ::: the art of sound-hunting ::: open your ears and listen.
this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk by andi chapple. for more information see http://www.freakout.biz
Sunday, September 11, 2011
A project combining creativity & urban action.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
#FFFFFFspace is an internet-based exhibition forum curated by Polina Teif and Shannon Garden-Smith.
Monday, July 25, 2011
FRAMEWORK RADIO #339: 2011.07.24
phonography ::: field-recording ::: the art of sound-hunting ::: open your ears and listen
#339: 2011.07.24
almost all online released or unreleased work this week, aside from one physical (actually double cd) release by dave phillips on the little enjoyer label. osvaldo cibils‘ h88h pieces are available directly from his website, while jack harris‘ can be had from the great compost and height blog, and amptext has many downloadable works also on his site.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The Distributed Exhibition Project aims to explore the global framework curently available for online networked art. It's a participative project based on online spectators contributions.
The 12th edition of FILE – Electronic Language International Festival happens in São Paulo, between July 19 and August 21, 2011, at the FIESP Cultural Center - Ruth Cardoso. In the program: immersive and interactive installations, tablets, animations, games, machinimas, besides works of web art, video, documentary, music clips and sound experiments.
Media Art shows how to "soften" the rigidity of technology functionality and to create an environment of creativity and artistic thinking.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
A gallery, an email address, and a printer
June 3-24, 2011 // Opening reception: Friday, June 3 // 7-11pm
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Episode 08 will host Osvaldo Cibils.
Radius will transmit h88h for two consecutive Friday afternoons on June 3 and 10 at 2pm CST.
Radius is an experimental radio broadcast platform based in Chicago, IL, USA. The goal is to support work that engages the tonal and public spaces of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Radius features a new project semi-monthly with statements by artists who use radio as a primary element in their work. Radius provides artists with live and experimental formats in radio programming.
Radius is administered by Jeff Kolar.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Programa de videos
El programa que se presentará está dividido en dos partes: la primera es un resumen de vídeos cortos (shorts) del aluCine Toronto Latin media arts festival http://www.alucinefestival.com/. En la segunda parte se presentarán vídeos de la muestra Videofagia (http://www.e-fagia.org/vphagy/index.html), realizada por la organización e-fagia.
Video show
Miércoles 1 de junio - 15hs
Jueves 2 de junio de 2011 - 16hs
Charla con artistas
Jueves 2 de junio de 2011 – 17hs
Plateau de Diseño y producción audiovisual
Campus de la Universidad Nacional de Villa María
Córdoba . Argentina
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Blank Media
Title: Blank Media Collective Exhibition
Location: MadLab http://madlab.org.uk
Description: Blank Media Collective presents an exhibition showcasing work about social media in collaboration with MadLab, Manchester.
Start Date: 2011-06-03
Start Time: 11:00
End Date: 2011-06-16
End Time: 17:00
Artists: Osvaldo Cibils, Jamie Crewe, Douglas Gast, Melissa Henderson, Pippa Lennox, Paul Plowman, Mark Powell, Jennifer Ross, Sarah Terry, Elizabeth Wewiora & Jennifer Steele and Teawitter.
Blank Media Collective curators are excited to present the exhibition User Generated Content. Collaboratively working with MadLab, the exhibition focuses on social media and its relevancy in this day and age.
From artists to arduino engineers, Blank Media Collective have searched ‘virtually’ every corner of the world to present to you the weird, wonderful and quirky things people are creating in the physical realm.
The diverse content of this exhibition includes facebook stalking, ‘like’ popularity contests, twitter drum, status-stealing poetry, political statements, never-ending you tube feed, cakes, flickr craft, moving image works, and a visual portrayal of an online relationship.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
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*da2011 {tiny video festival}
**g>r—4 {book presentation}
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direct action 2011
videofestival with performance on/for/at video as part of mpa-b - month of performance art, berlin
opening: may 28th 2011 / 7 pm + may 29th 2011 / 3 pm
@: i-a-m, schererstr.11, 13347 berlin
timetable and artists: http://da2011.i-a-m.tk
! entrance fee: 2€ per day !
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gedanken zur revolution / part 04
exhibition processes and conceptual communication - part04 especially in book format - the publication will be presented
presentation: june 7th 2011 / 7 pm
@: i-a-m, schererstr.11, 13347 berlin
*g>r: http://g-z-r.net
publication by: eot-press ... http://eot-press.org
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... everybody welcome ...
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please spread our news ... we would like it!
all the best! your I-A-M!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Label:Resound Falmouth, The Source FM
Format:CDr, Compilation
Released:Mar 2011
Style:Abstract, Drone, Experimental
International video art exhibition
curated by Kisito Assangni
30 April 2011
Espace apART
Xiao Zhou cun, xi yuan yi xiang 9
Guangzhou, China
Including Osvaldo Cibils (Italy) | Julien David (France) | Kokou Ekouagou (Togo/China) | Christy Gast (USA) | Samira Eskandarfar (Iran) | Eric Fong (China) | Rachel Maclean (UK) | Adamo Macri (Canada) | Joas Nebe (Germany) | Alex Pearl (UK) | Antonio Pinto (Portugal) | Ludovic Sauvage (France) | Antti Savela (Sweden) | Philippe Van Wolputte (Belgium)
4 - 10pm: Screening
Visually inventive, emotionally incisive work from international artists on the theme of love in hard times.
This screening emphasizes forms of artistic expression rising from society and the new media's use of technology.
Time is Love.4 brings to the world a refreshing perspective on video art.
Special thanks to the event coordinator: Frank Gerlitzki
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Silence can be defined as a soundscape with loudness below 20 dB. This project is an open archive which collect silence as soundscape / field recording below 20 dB. This is an attemp to create a sound museum of silence. Is an open and on-going project, so everyone can contribute with a silence, sending it by email or over the dropbox. With the sound some information are required, like: place of the rec, time of the rec and of the day when was taken, type of ambient in wich the rec was taken, and of course the author.Based on this cataloque of infos, some publication will be released (like magazine + cd) showing a particular topic.
Every contribution is appreciated, so arm your sampler!
For a good hearing experience, below 20 suggests to use good headphones set or soundsystem.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
mailart. Il produrre arte che risponda esclusivamente alle proprie esigenze creative senza scendere a compromessi per renderla bene di consumo. The production of an art that fits exclusively one’s own creative needs without stooping to compromises to make it a consumer good
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
April 2nd 2011, 7pm
17 Frost Street, Brooklyn NY, USA.
Harnessing the ancient power of scroll storytelling, some of the world's finest creators gather to show off their work on large and small rolls of parchment. Created in 2008 by artist Will Varner, Scroll Bowl was a unique way for artists and illustrators to present their work large scale and interactively. In 2009 Will Varner left the Scroll Bowlproject to pursue a professional illustration career and artist/curator John Jennison took over the project. After accepting Jennison as one of the premier issue contributors, The 22 Magazine partnered with him to present Scroll Bowl as both a performance and installation event. Drawing from an array of traditions, commentary and communication, Scroll Bowl V presents a modern look at the scroll as both an object and as a tool. Focusing on the artist's approach to an ancient tradition Scroll Bowl V speaks through sound, video, installation and drawing. Through this exploration we hope to elicit a rediscovery of scrolls and our views of them.
The opening reception will take place April 2nd, Doors open at 6:30pm, 17 Frost Street in Brooklyn NY.
The show will run April 2nd through 8th at 17 Frost Street. Gallery hours TK.
ONLINE INFORMATION: http://www.the22magazine.com/ScrollBowlV.html
THE CONTRIBUTORS PAGE: http://www.the22magazine.com/ScrollBowlVcontributorspage.html
The 22 Magazine Facebook Invite: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=152337644807742
The 22 Magazine on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-22-Magazine/138959862781232
Scroll Bowl on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/SCROLL-BOWL/100318989464?ref=ts
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
No Commercial Potential phaze II, the Show
dal 10 al 29 Aprile 2011 presso Garage N.3 Gallery
via Cavallotti 83B - 30171 - VENEZIA MESTRE Italia
inaugurazione: Domenica 10 Aprile
con esposizione e live-performances NON STOP dalle ore 11 alle ore 18
Presentazione critica di Giancarlo Da Lio
Opere di:
A.A.Pedregal, Adalberto Cencetti, Ahmet Demir, Alejandro Thornton, Alex Costa, Alexandra Chaves, Alexandra Pharmakidis, Alexandru Jakabhazi, Alfonso Caccavale, Alfonso Lentini, Alicia Gil, Ana Maria Garcia, Ana Spinu, Angela Caporaso, Angie Cope, Anke van der Berg, Ann Tracy, Anna Boschi, Anna Colitti, Annamaria Danese, Antonella Prota Giurleo, Antonio Sassu, Atelier Kunst & Ko, Peter & Sven De Ru, Atte Ourie, Aziza Claudia Gibson-Hunter, Azucena Olivares Duque, Baa, Barbara Rapp, Barbara Whitmore, Bartolomè Ferrando, Benjamin Shaw, Bennett Smith, Bernard Klevickas, Bernhard Zilling, Bifidus Jones, Bill Porter, Bill William S. Wilson, Bob Barzan, Bruno Capatti, Bruno Cassaglia, Bruno Chiarlone, buZ blurr, C Mehrl Bennett, Calogero Marrali, Camel O-Rama's, Carl Baker, Carla Colombo, Carla Petretick, Carlo Iacomucci, Carlo Maria Giudici, Carlo Volpicella, Carlos Botana, Carmela Corsitto, Carmelleta Design Inc., Cascadia Artpost - Jack Lattemann, Caterina Davinio, CB James, Cécile Carpena, Cecilia Bossi, Cheryl Penn, Christine Tarantino, Cindy Lou, Cinzia Mastropopolo, Claudette Essiembre, Claudia Ligorria, Claudio Grandinetti, Claudio Romeo, Clem, Clemente Padin, Cleveland Wall, Constança Lucas, Coralette Damme, Corina Nani, Dame Mailarta, Daniel C Boyer, Daniel Daligand, Daria Baiocchi, Luis Fernandes, Darrell U Black, David Dellafiora, David Drum, David Stafford, Deb Wilson, Deborah Davidson, Demetrios Coutarelli,Dewi,Diana Muresan, Diane Bertrand, Diane Keys, Dino Vincenzo Patroni, Dirk Vekemans, Doğa Gülhan, Domenico Di Caterino, Domenico Severino, Don McNulty, Dorian Ribas Marinho, Dorina Monaco, Douglas Galloway, Doyle Dean, Dr. Aldo Sacslei Ministro I ODC, Dragica Ohashi, Eberhard Janke Edition Janus, Ed Varney, Eduardo Cardoso, Edward Kulemin, égo_tek, Elena Guidotti, Elida Taborelli, Elisa Battistella, Elisa Bazzan, Elisa Traverso Lacchini, Eliso Ignacio Silva, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Ruchti, Emiliano Zucchini, Emilio e Franca Morandi, Emmanuele Tremolada, Erni Bär, Ernst Bens, Esteban Valdés, Evie Satijadi, Evmorfia Ghika Rachouti, Fabia Ghenzovich, Fahmi Taib, Fanis Rachoutis, Fannidada, Fausto Grossi, Fedora Coutarelli, Felice Serino, Felipe Lamadrid, Ferdinando Sorbo, Filippo Altomare, Fleur Helsingor, Franco Piri Focardi, Frank Odette, Frederick Epistola, Gabriella Gallo, Gail D Whitter, Gary A Bibb, Giada Ottone, Gianni Donaudi, Gildo Dordi De Vido, Ginger Mayerson, Ginny Lloyd, Giorgio Regnicoli, Giovanni Bonanno, Giovanni e Renata StraDA DA, Gisella Lucci, Giuliana Bellini, Giuseppe Bongiorno, Giuseppe Riccetti, Grigori Antonin, Guido Bondioli, Guido Capuano, Guido Vermeulen, Guvenc Uguz, Güzin Öztok, Heather Miller, Heike Sackmann, Heinz Stefan Bartkowiak, Helen Amyes, Henning Mittendorf, Hong In Young, Honoria Starbuck, Horacio Dowbley, Hugo Pontes, I Santini Del Prete, Imperceptible, Inêz Oludé, Isobel Freer, IttyBittyKitty, Jakob De Chirico, Jarmo Sermilä, Jeanine Ferguson, Jelena Kostica, Jennie Hinchcliff, Jennifer Jones, Jennifer Wunderlich, Jennifer Zoellner, Jesús Manuel Moreno, JF Chapelle, Jim Leftwich, Joan Desmond, Joana Santinhos, John M Bennett, Jonathan D Johnson, Josè Luis Alcalde Soberanes, Josè Manuel Figueiredo, Josep Lluis Seguí Rico, Joshua Wahlen,Juan Rodríguez López, Judith A. Skolnick, Julia Izmailova, Julian Grant, Karen Champlin, Karen Wood, Kate Finlay, Katerina G Armenopoulos, Katerina Nikoltsou, Keiichi Nakamura, Keith A Buchholz, Keith Bates, Kemal Özyurt, Kiera Pannell, Kit Moore, Klaus Peter Dencker, Kommissar Hjuler, Konstantin Kalendaroff, Korolkova Natalya, Krell – Lukha Kremo Baroncinij, Kristen, Kurt Beaulieu, L- plate big chesse, Olga Pavlovsky, La Bande a personne, Laercio Frade Gòmez, Lamberto Caravita, Lancillotto Bellini, Laura Cristin, Laura E Thykeson, Laura Hensley, Laura Sherrill Ligon, Laurence Roberts, Lauriana Glenny, Lee Goldberg, Lesley Magwood Fraser, Liliana Bogo, Linda Renaud, Lino Foffano, Lorraine Kwan, Lothar Trott, Luc Fierens, Luca Squarcialupi, Luciano Fiori, Lucio Pintaldi, Luis Fernando Graça, Luisa Bergamini, Lunar Suede, Mad Madge, Maks Dannecker, Manuel Vaz, Marcelus Freitas, Marco Vincenzi, Margaret Suchland, Margherita Levo Rosenberg, Margit Kupsch, Marguerite Keen, Mari Ruth, Maria Addamiano, Maria Chorianopoulou, Maria Cristina Onet, Maria Da Glòria Jesus de Oliveira, Maria Darmeli Araujo, Maria F, Maria Grazia Galatà, Michele Lambo, Maria Grazia Martina, Maria José Gomes Marques Silva, Maria Matheus, Maria Nicolasa Trivilino, Maria Sousa, Mariano Bellarosa, Mariano Filippetta, Maribel Martinez, Marina Dovrou, Marina Papastamou, Mark Sonnenfeld, Marni Zainodin, Martzi Gerogianaki, Mary Anne, Mary Perly, Massimo Falsaci, Massimo Rognini, Matteo Bellarosa, Mattia Arrigoni, Maura Di Giulio, Mauro Ceselli, Mauro Gentile, Mete Sarabi, Michael Goetz, Michalis Bochtis, Michalis Kotsaris, Michel Della Vedova, Miguel Jimenez - El Taller de Zenòn, Miranda Vissers, Mirta Caccaro, Monia Basso, Monica Gallardo, Monica Rex, Nadia Magnabosco, NANAPDADA Nadia Poltosi, Naomi Healing, Natale Cuciniello, Nataša Stanišić, Natasha Jabre, Nazmi Ismail, Nico van Hoorn, Nula Horo, Nuria Metzli, okadascat, Oleg A. Kisel, Oliver van Peabody, Olivia Niemeyer Santos, Orlando Nelson Pacheco Acuna, , Osvaldo Cibils, Pàl Csaba, Paraskevi Panagiotou, Parys St Martin, Pascal Minart, Pati Bristow, Patrizia Battaglia, Patrizia Facchini, Patrizia Pianini, Paul Cartier, Paul Tiilila, Paulo Bacedonio, Paulo Correia, Pedro Bericat, Periklis Costopoulos, Petala Eytihia, Petra Dzierzon, Philippe Pissier, Pierpaolo Limongelli, Piet Franzen, Pietro Chegai, Pietro Romano Matarrese, PJ Chatfield, Ptrzia (TICTAC), R.F.Côté, RABA, Rachel Fasig, Raffaele Cesari, Raffaella Formenti, Raymond Furlotte, Raymond Hirs, REALNEO, Reed Altemus, Rémy Pénard, Renato Sclaunich, Renee Bouws, Richard Canard, Rita Da Costa, Robert Znajomski, Roberto Keppler, Roberto Net Carlo, Roberto Scala, Rod Summers, Roland Halbritter, Rolando Zucchini, Ron Andrew, Rosa Biagi, Rosa Gravino, Rossella Ricci, Rudiger Abshalom Westphal, Ruggero Maggi, Ruud Janssen, Ryosuke Cohen, Sabela Baña, Sabina Romanin, Sabriye Celik, Samuel Montalvetti, Sarah Grasso, Satu Kaikkonen, Scott Thomson, Sean Burn, Serena Rossi, Serse Luigetti, Shahriarir, Shahrul Sahee, Silva Alliri, Simon Warren, Simonetta Borrelli,Sivia Soares, Skybridge Studios, Snappy, Snežana Kezele, Spyros Kolyvas, Stan Askew, State of Being - Reid Wood, Steen Krarũp, Stefano Fossiànt Sini, , Stefano Sbietti, Supreme Bunny Warlord Aka Richard F Yates, Susan Gold, Suzlee Ibrahim, Sved Uwe Dressler, Swinx, Tania Krosse, Theresa Anderson, Thomas Pratt, Tiziana Baracchi, Tulio Restrepo, Umberto S Basso, Valdemar Cher, Valdor, Valentine Mark Herman, Vèro Rigole, Victor Femenìas, Virgy - Virginia Milici, Vittore Baroni, Vittorio Baccelli, Vycki Angel, Walterfest, William Monachesi, Wolfgang Skodd, Xtina Solano
Video di:
Angela Caporaso, Baa, Carlos Botana, Caterina Davinio, Cecilia Bossi, Daria Baiocchi e Luis Fernandes, Dino Vincenzo Patroni, Fannidada, Felipe Lamadrid, Ferdinando Sorbo, Jonathan D Johnson, Joshua Wahlen, Luca Squarcialupi, Maria Grazia Galatà e Michele Lambo, Olivia Niemeyer Santos, Pierpaolo Limongelli, Stefano Fossiànt Sini
Video performance di:
Anna Boschi, Bartolomè Ferrando, Christine Tarantino, Clemente Padin, Erni Bär, Fausto Grossi, I Santini Del Prete, Jakob De Chirico, Krell – Lukha Kremo Baroncinij, Raymond Hirs, Tulio Restrepo
Musiche e file sonori di:
Doyle Dean, Ferdinando Sorbo, Jarmo Sermilä, Kurt Beaulieu, Rod Summers, Satu Kaikkonen
Orario di apertura: dal martedì al venerdì dalle 17 alle 20 o su appuntamento: 347 0403128
Per ulteriori informazioni e visionare tutte le opere visitare il sito - http://itsonlymailartnocommercial.blogspot.com
For more information and see all the works visit - http://itsonlymailartnocommercial.blogspot.com
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Explorations in Sound, Vol. 4 The Sound of Live Performance - Various Artists
"Explorations in Sound, Vol. 4 The Sound of Live Performance - Various Artists" (feature) The live sound and music performance is like no other medium for expression and unpredictability, frequently yielding interesting sonic results, both on, and off stage. Sound checks, sound failures, the misassigned patch, unintended playing outcomes, FX overloads / calibrations and pinnacles of performative exploration can all create sources for eclectic new material.
feature by Roger Mills
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The Last Book
“The Last Book” will be on view at the Aguilar Branch of the New York Public Library from February 2 until May 29, 2011. The address is 174 East 110 Street, NYC. This is the third exhibition of the project, after Buenos Aires and Zurich. Luis Camnitzer's project.
El “Último Libro” estará expuesto en la Biblioteca Aguilar de la New York Public Library desde el 2 de Febrero al 29 de mayo de 2011. La dirección es 174 East 110th Street en Nueva York. Ésta es la tercera muestra del proyecto después de Buenos Aires y Zurich. Proyecto de Luis camnitzer.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Dansens Dage - New Online Dance video competition
Competition is now open!! Deadline: 15 March 2011
60secondsdance.dk is co-production of Dansens Dage and Screen Moves, Copenhagen, Denmark. This online screendance competition, hosted on http://www.60secondsdance.dk is funded by Dansens Dage and Nordea-fonden, aims to give screendance makers the opportunity to produce, through their lens, a one-minute online screendance video.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
micro²|2010 Collettiva di 5x5. CURATELA | Anna Epis e Aldo Torrebruno.
14 febbraio - 3 marzo 2011
Associazione Circuiti Dinamici
Via Giovanola, 19/c Milano MM2 Abbiategrasso.
FOTO | Tutti gli artisti e i lavori micro² arrivati in redazione | Polaroid Album
PRESENTAZIONE | Anna Epis e Aldo Torrebruno, Antonia Guglielmo, Lara Piffari
CATALOGO | versione online: Open publication
Time is Love.4 [show 2]
Time is Love.4 [show 2]
International Video Art Exhibition
curated by Kisito Assangni
Saturday February 26, 2011
1825 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Featuring: Jennida Chase (USA) | Osvaldo Cibils (Uruguay/Italy) | Kokou Ekouagou (Togo/China) | Pauline Horovitz (France) | Neil Howe (Australia) | Karen Landey (USA) | Lemeh42 (Italy) | Rachel Maclean (UK) | Adamo Macri (Canada) | Joas Nebe (Germany) | Kika Nicolela (Brazil) | Alex Pearl (UK) | Antti Savela (Sweden) | Guy Wouete (Cameroon) | Kisito Assangni (Togo/UK)
7pm: Screening
8pm: Talk: Kisito Assangni with Shaina Craft, Coordinator of Hexagon followed by a public discussion
9pm: Live soundtracks
Time is love Screening is an annual exhibition of projectable videos from an international selection of artists active around the world. The screening explicitly emphasizes the idea of love in these hard times and socio-cultural interference, the way in which technology and society give rise to new forms of artistic expression by using the new media.
The project aims to consider the work of these artists as part of the global phenomenon that is contemporary art, and asks the audience to reflect upon how the time that led to the production of these works was formed. Conceptually diverse, emotionally incisive and visually inventive, the selected works transform the most familiar video art into an illuminating investigation of contemporary culture.
Time is Love.4 brings to the world a refreshing perspective on video art.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
TRAMPOLIM _ plataforma de encontro con a arte da performance
Low Lives: Selections brings together 22 performance videos from the Low Lives platform. This selection of videos will be on view January 13 - 14 as part of the 4th edition of TRAMPOLIM performance series, presented at Galeria Homero Massena in Vitória, Brazil.
(In order of appearance)
Vienne Chan- Auto-Cannibal _Germany, Kelly Kleinschrodt- Jump _México, Martin Zet- Night Averment _Czech Republic, Jeanne Jo- Roulette _United States, Osvaldo Cibils- Multimedia Head _Italy, Robert Crosse- Hold Still _United Kingdom, Joe Nanashe- Michael & Me _United States, Agni Zotis- Meditator _United States, Adam Trowbridge- Hole of Society: On The Passage of a Small Dog through a Rather Shallow Amount of Water _United States, Luke Munn- Suite for Webcam _Germany, Migdalia Luz Barens-Vera- Cover Yourself _United States, Elizabeth Leister- I can see you, you’re not here _United States, Profesor Bazuco aka Juan Obando- International Public Address _United States, Mike Smith and students from University of Texas- A 2010 Streaming Class Portrait _United States, Linda Ford- Self Discipline (Live in the Studio) _United States, Francesca Fini- Cry Me _Italy, Marcus Civin- American Rifle 3 (Excerpt) _United States, Lawrence Graham-Brown- Ras-Pan-Afro-Homo-Sapien (Bloodsucker Version) _United States, Marcus Vinicius- Resistance _Brazil, Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz- Ask Chuleta _United States, Gabrielle Civil- MN – MX _United States, Rosamond S. King- Supplicant _United States
Jorge Rojas _México / United States
Now entering its third year, Low Lives is an annual, international exhibition of live performance-based works transmitted via the internet and projected in real time at multiple venues simultaneously. The project celebrates both the transmission of ideas beyond geographical borders, and also what is blurred, gained, or reconfigured in the process as we communicate and present ourselves online. The lo-fi aesthetic, with its pixilated images, low sound quality, and the ever-present potential for “technical difficulties,” is an integral aspect of communication via contemporary web technology, and also of this exhibit. Low Lives offers global audiences a critical and contextual frame from which to consider live performance in virtual space.
+ info: www.lowlives.netSince its inception in 2009, Low Lives has presented live performances by 59 artists and artist collectives from 16 countries including Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Italy, Macedonia, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Trinidad and Tobago, United States and Vietnam. Over 13 arts organizations have supported and presented Low Lives including El Museo del Barrio, NYC; Aljira, A Center for Contemporary Art, Newark; Galería de la Raza, San Francisco; Fusebox Festival, Austin; Disapora Vibe Gallery, Miami; Obsidian Arts, Minneapolis, and labotanica, Houston.
The 22 artists included in Low Lives: Selections work in a wide variety of media including performance, video, installation, conceptual art, sound art, process art, web art, photography, sculpture and painting. The videos presented here are documents of their live performances. The themes they address here are widely varied, yet they each explore aspects of our human and social makeup, as well as our relationship with technology. Ultimately, Low Lives raises the question- what does it mean to be human at a time when the separation between humans and machines is increasingly diminishing? I hope you are as inspired by these artists’ performances as I have been.
Jorge Rojas (México, 1968) is a multidisciplinary artist and independent curator. He studied Art at the University of Utah and at Bellas Artes- El Nigromante in San Miguel de Allende, México. Rojas employs both traditional and new media, as well as performative elements to investigate communication systems and the effect of technology on artistic production, social structures and communities. His work and curatorial projects have been exhibited in galleries, museums and alternative art spaces across México, the United States and India. Since 2009, he has produced and curated Low Lives, an annual, international exhibition of networked performances. Rojas recently moved from New York City to Salt Lake City, Utah where he lives and works.
w: http://osvaldocibils.com