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video december 2012
Articulating Function / Hugo Paquete / 2008 / Interactive sound and light installation
from Hugo Paquete
12 videos YouTube playlist by osvaldo cibils, 2 march 2012
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-3Vd-MJm1U&list=PL6A1CBAF6C9EE83A0&index=1&feature=plpp_video |
R links R
Music is the time of numbers
Barcelona So Límit - Zèppelin Expandit 2012
Bongiani Ophen Art Museum
Institut für Alles Mögliche
Radius |
arte correo mail art osvaldo cibils ![]() "E" - Ambassadeur d'Utopia |
7soundart Free Music Archive playlist osvaldo cibils 2 march 2012
8 Arthub video playlist osvaldo cibils 2 march 2012
link artists
link sites
link sites
7 BILLIONTH PERSON PROJECT - http://www.7billionthpersonproject.org/ 17 SONS RECORDS - http://www.17sons.com =|= Electronic musics and sound projects based on predetermined arrangements involving man / machine / software interactions. =|= 365 DAYS OF PRINT - http://www.365daysofprint.com/ AA-VV - http://aa-vv.org/ ADAPTIVE ACTIONS - http://www.adaptiveactions.net/ AMP STUDIO - http://www.ampstudiosite.com/ ANARTJOURNAL - http://sites.google.com/site/anartjournal ANIMALARIO TV - http://www.animalario.tv/ ARCHIVE.ORG - http://www.archive.org/details/Sloppy_Seconds ART REVIEW - http://www.artreview.com/ ARTE SONORO - http://www.artesonoro.org/ ART WALL MAGAZINE - http://artwallmagazine.ning.com/ BIENAL SIART - http://www.bienal-siart.com/ BISBALD - http://www.bisbald.org/ BLANK MEDIA COLLECTIVE - http://www.blankmediacollective.org/about BROOKLYN ART PROJECT - http://www.brooklynartproject.com/ CENTRAL STATION - http://www.thisiscentralstation.com/ CHAMELEON LECTRA - http://www.chameleonlectra.co.uk/Consemble-A.html CIRCULO BELLAS ARTES - http://www.circulobellasartes.com/cba.net/ CIRRUS - http://oncenowexhibition.com CODEBREAKER - http://www.it-all.com/ DA DIRECT ACTION - http://da2011.i-a-m.tk/ da2011 has been a tiny 2 day festival consisting of an evening of solo presentations and a screening night. this year especially performances on/for/at video. DANSENS DAGE - http://dansensdage.dk/ DARIN KLEIN AND FRIENDS - http://www.darinkleinandfriends.blogspot.com/ DELICIOUS - http://delicious.com/TAGallery/sound DIGITAL ARTI - http://www.digitalarti.com/ DODODADA - http://dododada.ning.com/ DRIFT STATION - http://www.jeffreythompson.org/DriftStation E_FAGIA - http://www.e-fagia.org/ e-fagia is a Toronto-based organization of artists and writers created to produce and disseminate electronic art projects with emphasis on contemporary Canadian and Latin American artists. ELECTRO MUSIC - http://electro-music.com/ ELEKTRONENTOTO - http://www.elektronentoto.mobi/ ELMUR.NET - http://www.elmur.net/ elmur.net is a visual dialogue to inspire us to build up a better world. Be part of it! FATICART - http://www.faticart.org/ #FFFFFF SPACE - http://ffffffspace.net/ FILE - http://www.file.org.br/ FILMER LA MUSIQUE - http://www.filmerlamusique.com/ FONLAD - http://www.fonlad.net/ FONLAD The Online Digital Arts Festival. Since 2005, were organized various exhibition activities with the aim to disseminate and reflect on new forms of contemporary digital art. FREE SOUND - http://www.freesound.org/ FRONTERA INCIERTA - http://fronteraincierta.blogspot.com/ FURTHERFIELD - http://www.furtherfield.org/ FURTHERNOISE.ORG - http://www.furthernoise.org/ HARSMEDIA - http://harsmedia.com/ HESA INPRINT - http://www.hesainprint.com/ HEXADIC 6x6 MEDIA ARTS EVENTS - http://hexadic.blogspot.com/ IN-SONORA - http://in-sonora.com/ IN-SONORA es una asociación cultural creada para apoyar y dar visibilidad a propuestas artísticas experimentales relacionadas con la interactividad y/o lo sonoro, desde un punto de vista amplio. JAAMMJ - http://www.jaammj.com/ JAMENDO - http://www.jamendo.com/en/ KANTIERE MISTO - http://kantieremisto.blogspot.it/ L'associazione culturale Kantiere Misto si propone di essere un punto di riferimento all'interno del circuito creativo della Sinistra Piave attraverso l'organizzazione di una serie di eventi a sfondo culturale e la costituzione di una rete capillare che possa includere al suo interno una vasta gamma di forme espressive. KONTAKT - http://www.kontakt-collection.net/ LA BOCA DEL LOBO - http://www.labocadellobo.com/ LAST CALL - http://lastcall-susanalf.blogspot.com/ LE PERCE-OREILLES - http://www.perceoreilles.net/ LIFE IN 100 WORDS - http://lifein100wordsorless.wordpress.com/ LINEA D'ARTE - http://www.lineadarte-officinacreativa.org/ LOW LIVES - http://www.lowlives.net/ MADLAB - http://madlab.org.uk/ MEDIA ART PLATFORM - http://www.mediaartplatform.org/ MODISTI - http://modisti.com/12/ Modisti is an interactive virtual environment for new music. MOVING FRAMES - http://www.movingframes.gr/ MURMERINGS - http://www.murmerings.com/radio.html NEW MEDIA ART PROJECT NETWORK - http://www.nmartproject.net/ NICTOGLOBE - http://www.nictoglobe.com/new/2007/center.html NO COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL - http://itsonlymailartnocommercial.blogspot.com/ O GATO DE ODETE - http://ogatodaodete.blogspot.com/ ONE HOUR PHOTO PROJECT - http://www.onehourphotoproject.com/ OPSOUND - http://www.opsound.org/ Opsound is a gift economy in action, an experiment in applying the model of free software to music. Musicians and sound artists are invited to add their work to the Opsound pool using a copyleft license developed by Creative Commons. Listeners are invited to download, share, remix, and reimagine. OWNING ONLINE ART - http://www.ooart.ch/publikation PAPERGIRL GLASGOW - http://papergirlglasgow.tumblr.com/ PH4RE - http://ph4re.net/ PLASTICA ARGENTINA - http://plastica-argentina.com.ar/ PIKSEL - http://www.piksel.no/ QUERY - http://www.query-online.net/ RADIUS - http://theradius.tumblr.com/ Radius is an experimental radio broadcast platform based in Chicago, IL, USA. RHIZOME - http://rhizome.org/ SANCTIONED ARRAY - http://www.sanctionedarray.specifyothers.com/ SIMULTAN - http://www.simultan.org/ SOUNDCLOUD - http://soundcloud.com/ THE 22 MAGAZINE - http://www.the22magazine.com/ScrollBowlV.html THE END OF SOMETHING - http://theendofsomething.wordpress.com/sound-of-ebb/ TIME IS LOVE SHOW - http://timeisloveshow.blogspot.com/ UAVM - http://www.uavm.net/ The Unknown Artist Virtual Museum is against the mainstream of galleries, the power of curators and commissioners that impose to the public and the market its hone tastes. USVTV - http://www.usvtv.net/ VAGUE TERRAIN - http://vagueterrain.net/ Vague Terrain is a web based digital arts publication that showcases the creative practice of a variety of artists, musicians and scholars. VIDEOBRASIL - http://www2.sescsp.org.br/sesc/videobrasil/site/home/home.asp VIDEO MEDEJA - http://videomedeja.org/ VIDEO MINUTO - http://www.videominuto.it/ VIRION - http://virion2010.com.au/ virion is a biennial art exhibition, and online archive of digital creative practice, that is shown via a global network of public screens. VISUAL ART - http://visualartdada.blogspot.com/ VISITORS STUDIO - http://www.visitorsstudio.org/ WDYDWYD? - http://wdydwyd.ning.com/ WOOLOO.ORG - http://www.wooloo.org/ Call & Collaborate, Show Your Art Worldwide, Participate in Open Calls, Promote & Share. |
Blog List
Thank you to all participants! - ------------------------------ Dear Artists, thank you very much for making this wonderful exhibition possible.12 years ago
“Ursa in Orbit” - “Ursa in Orbit”: “Am 15./16. Juli 1993 wanderte p.t.t.red in zwei Bärenkostümen durch den Nationalpark Berchtesgaden in Richtung alte Bärengründe am F...13 years ago
Darin Klein & Friends at Printed Matter's LA Art Book Fair 2017 - Bullhorn Press, Darin Klein & Friends, and Printed Matter present: Box of Books, Vol. X The final iteration of this 10-year annual project features 20 on...8 years ago
2024: Rassegna fotografica Mail Art Esserci Senza Esserci 2024 (XVII edizione) #01 - MAIL ART HAPPENING eSSeRCi SeNZa eSSeRCi 2024 (XVII edizione) A cura di _guroga & Enzo Correnti Con la collaborazione di Collettivo DadaBoom e Collet...2 months ago
Haugesund International Relief Print Festival - Ajk Björn Piercc HIT Festival https://www.hitfestival.no/english5 years ago
ANDRÉ BARROSO, Curitiba - PR - Brasil - *ANDRÉ BARROSO* Fotografia a partir de pintura - 2012 Curitiba - PR Brasil12 years ago
ENZO CORRENTI - L'uoMo CaRTa iN ViaGGio aL WeSPaCe Mostra personale e la Performance "Il fiore non ha catene" di Enzo Correnti e Liliana Mastropaolo - ENZO CORRENTI - L'uoMo CaRTa iN ViaGGio aL WeSPaCe MOSTRA PERSONALE di Enzo Correnti 25/26/27 maggio 2018 Inaugurazione Venerdi 25 maggio 2018 ore 19:00 con...6 years ago
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
ART HUB http://www.arthub.it/index.php
These "curated" playlists or video compilations will be projected in the gallery as well as included in Cirrus Gallery's YouTube Channel. In order to be considered for the show please send a link to the YouTube playlist or to the video of your compilation. Submissions without an accompanying written statement on the purpose of the curated exhibition will not be considered. Please keep submissions to a maximum of 10 minutes in length.
Submit your link and written statement via the Do It!
box at http://www.oncenowexhibition.com
Thursday, February 16, 2012
to the showdown of
mit 211 fotobeitraegen per @-mail
with 211 photocontributions by @-mail
donnerstag, 23. februar 2012, 20 h
thursday,23rd of february 2012, 20 h
laden wir ein.
we invite kindly.
bis 23. februar 2012 kann
di. -do. v. 14-18 h u.n.v. besichtigt werden.
til 23rd of february the show can be visited
from tuesday til thursday from 14 - 18 h
and by appointment.
an faschingsdienstag geschlossen
closed at mardi gras
dank an die landeshauptstadt
STUTTGART, dem land
und an die KUENSTLERiNNEN.
thanks to the city of
STUTTGART, the state of
and to the ARTISTS.
hanns-michael rupprechter
stuttgarter kunstverein e.v.
filderstrasse 34
D-70180 stuttgart
++49-711-60 68 67
ag stuttgart VR 5961
di - do v. 14. - 18 h u.n.v.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
En los meses de Marzo y Abril de 2012 se presenta en diferentes espacios de Madrid la séptima edición de la Muestra Internacional de Arte Sonoro e Interactivo IN-SONORA.
IN-SONORA, la Muestra de Arte Sonoro e Interactivo llega a Madrid en los meses de Marzo y Abril, acogida por diferentes espacios de la ciudad en los que se presentará la obra de treinta artistas en diversos formatos; intervención en el espacio público, instalaciones, eventos en directo, piezas de escucha, net.art y vídeo.
Una cita única dentro del panorama cultural que permite descubrir a nuevos creadores de la escena contemporánea procedentes de catorce países diferentes, que partiendo de disciplinas varias llegan a la experimentación con el sonido y la interacción con el público.
Ayuntamiento de Madrid / Embajada de Argentina / Embajada de Colombia / Ministério da Cultura do Brasil.
Imagen IN-SONORA VII: Giorgia Friscia + Valentina Nesci
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía / Matadero Madrid / Casa Árabe / Istituto Europeo di Design Madrid / Espacio Menosuno / Off Limits / Twin Gallery /
Denise Alves Rodrigues (Brasil)
Champredonde, Laura Molina y Lifo Fernández (Argentina)
Luz María Sánchez (México
Guillermo Marconi (Colombia)
Annabelle (Malasia)
Pablo Andrés Padilla Jargstorf (España)
Mery Favaretto (Italia)
Florent Colautti (Francia)
Tomas Rawski (Argentina)
Edu Comelles (España)
Daniel del Río y Jorge Vicario (España)
La Sonidera (España)
Bárbara González Barrera (Chile)
música prepost (España)
La Orquesta Mundana (España)
Narcoléptica (España)
Colectivo Eztul (México)
AM&CO (España)
Rosario Etcheverry Giadrosich (Chile)
Osvaldo Cibils (Uruguay)
Matias Giuliani (Argentina)
Edu Comelles + Andrea Pazos (España)
Pablo Daniel Favor (Argentina)
Artur Matamoro Vidal (Francia)
Mauricio Rivera Henao (Colombia)
Lasse-Marc Riek (Alemania)
Cristian Patricio Soto Pacheco (Chile)
Yamila Rios Manzanares (España)
Pablo Francisco Bachmann (Argentina)
Sergio Luque (México)
Hugo Filipe Rodrigues Paquete (Portugal)
Matias Giuliani (Argentina)
Pablo Serret de Ena (España)
Marcos Calvari (Argentina)
Zimoun (Suiza)
Adjuntamos nota de prensa y cartel de la muestra.
Agradecemos la atención, seguimiento y difusión que podáis darle a esta información.
Cualquier duda, consulta.. contactar con nosotros en las direcciones y teléfono al pie de email.
APOYA IN-SONORA VII como MICROMECENAS > entra en http://www.latahonacultural.es
+ info
skype: IN-SONORA
Maite Camacho (34) 655 48 39 12
comisariado + imagen
Betania Lozano (34) 660 64 69 83
comisariado + comunicación
w: http://osvaldocibils.com