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video december 2012
Articulating Function / Hugo Paquete / 2008 / Interactive sound and light installation
from Hugo Paquete
12 videos YouTube playlist by osvaldo cibils, 2 march 2012
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-3Vd-MJm1U&list=PL6A1CBAF6C9EE83A0&index=1&feature=plpp_video |
R links R
Music is the time of numbers
Barcelona So Límit - Zèppelin Expandit 2012
Bongiani Ophen Art Museum
Institut für Alles Mögliche
Radius |
arte correo mail art osvaldo cibils ![]() "E" - Ambassadeur d'Utopia |
7soundart Free Music Archive playlist osvaldo cibils 2 march 2012
8 Arthub video playlist osvaldo cibils 2 march 2012
link artists
link sites
link sites
7 BILLIONTH PERSON PROJECT - http://www.7billionthpersonproject.org/ 17 SONS RECORDS - http://www.17sons.com =|= Electronic musics and sound projects based on predetermined arrangements involving man / machine / software interactions. =|= 365 DAYS OF PRINT - http://www.365daysofprint.com/ AA-VV - http://aa-vv.org/ ADAPTIVE ACTIONS - http://www.adaptiveactions.net/ AMP STUDIO - http://www.ampstudiosite.com/ ANARTJOURNAL - http://sites.google.com/site/anartjournal ANIMALARIO TV - http://www.animalario.tv/ ARCHIVE.ORG - http://www.archive.org/details/Sloppy_Seconds ART REVIEW - http://www.artreview.com/ ARTE SONORO - http://www.artesonoro.org/ ART WALL MAGAZINE - http://artwallmagazine.ning.com/ BIENAL SIART - http://www.bienal-siart.com/ BISBALD - http://www.bisbald.org/ BLANK MEDIA COLLECTIVE - http://www.blankmediacollective.org/about BROOKLYN ART PROJECT - http://www.brooklynartproject.com/ CENTRAL STATION - http://www.thisiscentralstation.com/ CHAMELEON LECTRA - http://www.chameleonlectra.co.uk/Consemble-A.html CIRCULO BELLAS ARTES - http://www.circulobellasartes.com/cba.net/ CIRRUS - http://oncenowexhibition.com CODEBREAKER - http://www.it-all.com/ DA DIRECT ACTION - http://da2011.i-a-m.tk/ da2011 has been a tiny 2 day festival consisting of an evening of solo presentations and a screening night. this year especially performances on/for/at video. DANSENS DAGE - http://dansensdage.dk/ DARIN KLEIN AND FRIENDS - http://www.darinkleinandfriends.blogspot.com/ DELICIOUS - http://delicious.com/TAGallery/sound DIGITAL ARTI - http://www.digitalarti.com/ DODODADA - http://dododada.ning.com/ DRIFT STATION - http://www.jeffreythompson.org/DriftStation E_FAGIA - http://www.e-fagia.org/ e-fagia is a Toronto-based organization of artists and writers created to produce and disseminate electronic art projects with emphasis on contemporary Canadian and Latin American artists. ELECTRO MUSIC - http://electro-music.com/ ELEKTRONENTOTO - http://www.elektronentoto.mobi/ ELMUR.NET - http://www.elmur.net/ elmur.net is a visual dialogue to inspire us to build up a better world. Be part of it! FATICART - http://www.faticart.org/ #FFFFFF SPACE - http://ffffffspace.net/ FILE - http://www.file.org.br/ FILMER LA MUSIQUE - http://www.filmerlamusique.com/ FONLAD - http://www.fonlad.net/ FONLAD The Online Digital Arts Festival. Since 2005, were organized various exhibition activities with the aim to disseminate and reflect on new forms of contemporary digital art. FREE SOUND - http://www.freesound.org/ FRONTERA INCIERTA - http://fronteraincierta.blogspot.com/ FURTHERFIELD - http://www.furtherfield.org/ FURTHERNOISE.ORG - http://www.furthernoise.org/ HARSMEDIA - http://harsmedia.com/ HESA INPRINT - http://www.hesainprint.com/ HEXADIC 6x6 MEDIA ARTS EVENTS - http://hexadic.blogspot.com/ IN-SONORA - http://in-sonora.com/ IN-SONORA es una asociación cultural creada para apoyar y dar visibilidad a propuestas artísticas experimentales relacionadas con la interactividad y/o lo sonoro, desde un punto de vista amplio. JAAMMJ - http://www.jaammj.com/ JAMENDO - http://www.jamendo.com/en/ KANTIERE MISTO - http://kantieremisto.blogspot.it/ L'associazione culturale Kantiere Misto si propone di essere un punto di riferimento all'interno del circuito creativo della Sinistra Piave attraverso l'organizzazione di una serie di eventi a sfondo culturale e la costituzione di una rete capillare che possa includere al suo interno una vasta gamma di forme espressive. KONTAKT - http://www.kontakt-collection.net/ LA BOCA DEL LOBO - http://www.labocadellobo.com/ LAST CALL - http://lastcall-susanalf.blogspot.com/ LE PERCE-OREILLES - http://www.perceoreilles.net/ LIFE IN 100 WORDS - http://lifein100wordsorless.wordpress.com/ LINEA D'ARTE - http://www.lineadarte-officinacreativa.org/ LOW LIVES - http://www.lowlives.net/ MADLAB - http://madlab.org.uk/ MEDIA ART PLATFORM - http://www.mediaartplatform.org/ MODISTI - http://modisti.com/12/ Modisti is an interactive virtual environment for new music. MOVING FRAMES - http://www.movingframes.gr/ MURMERINGS - http://www.murmerings.com/radio.html NEW MEDIA ART PROJECT NETWORK - http://www.nmartproject.net/ NICTOGLOBE - http://www.nictoglobe.com/new/2007/center.html NO COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL - http://itsonlymailartnocommercial.blogspot.com/ O GATO DE ODETE - http://ogatodaodete.blogspot.com/ ONE HOUR PHOTO PROJECT - http://www.onehourphotoproject.com/ OPSOUND - http://www.opsound.org/ Opsound is a gift economy in action, an experiment in applying the model of free software to music. Musicians and sound artists are invited to add their work to the Opsound pool using a copyleft license developed by Creative Commons. Listeners are invited to download, share, remix, and reimagine. OWNING ONLINE ART - http://www.ooart.ch/publikation PAPERGIRL GLASGOW - http://papergirlglasgow.tumblr.com/ PH4RE - http://ph4re.net/ PLASTICA ARGENTINA - http://plastica-argentina.com.ar/ PIKSEL - http://www.piksel.no/ QUERY - http://www.query-online.net/ RADIUS - http://theradius.tumblr.com/ Radius is an experimental radio broadcast platform based in Chicago, IL, USA. RHIZOME - http://rhizome.org/ SANCTIONED ARRAY - http://www.sanctionedarray.specifyothers.com/ SIMULTAN - http://www.simultan.org/ SOUNDCLOUD - http://soundcloud.com/ THE 22 MAGAZINE - http://www.the22magazine.com/ScrollBowlV.html THE END OF SOMETHING - http://theendofsomething.wordpress.com/sound-of-ebb/ TIME IS LOVE SHOW - http://timeisloveshow.blogspot.com/ UAVM - http://www.uavm.net/ The Unknown Artist Virtual Museum is against the mainstream of galleries, the power of curators and commissioners that impose to the public and the market its hone tastes. USVTV - http://www.usvtv.net/ VAGUE TERRAIN - http://vagueterrain.net/ Vague Terrain is a web based digital arts publication that showcases the creative practice of a variety of artists, musicians and scholars. VIDEOBRASIL - http://www2.sescsp.org.br/sesc/videobrasil/site/home/home.asp VIDEO MEDEJA - http://videomedeja.org/ VIDEO MINUTO - http://www.videominuto.it/ VIRION - http://virion2010.com.au/ virion is a biennial art exhibition, and online archive of digital creative practice, that is shown via a global network of public screens. VISUAL ART - http://visualartdada.blogspot.com/ VISITORS STUDIO - http://www.visitorsstudio.org/ WDYDWYD? - http://wdydwyd.ning.com/ WOOLOO.ORG - http://www.wooloo.org/ Call & Collaborate, Show Your Art Worldwide, Participate in Open Calls, Promote & Share. |
Blog List
Thank you to all participants! - ------------------------------ Dear Artists, thank you very much for making this wonderful exhibition possible.12 years ago
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Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Biennale del Libro d'Artista
w: http://osvaldocibils.com