We want Northwest based creatives to contribute to our latest project.
We would like you to submit film clips of up to 15 seconds in length on the theme of 'Interlace'. These clips will then be processed into the 'Interlace Zine'. You may submit as many of these clips as you like, they can also be a series of clips.
The zine will be in the form of a live event in which we will use various methods of video projection to relay, manipulate, overlap and ultimately project the live zine. We will initiate spontaneous and serendipitous collaborations, altering the context of the work through the editing process and the use of the atmospheric projection space while also challenging the preconceptions of 'what is a zine?'
As an alternative to submitting a video piece we will also accept single image submissions that will be processed into a piece for the video zine. These should be submitted as jpegs of a decent size (no 50kb files please!).
In addition to this there will be interactive elements at the event that will allow for live contributions to the zine. The event will take place at Vault during the first week of October.
We would like all videos to be uploaded to this Vimeo channel.